
Through the addition of this blog I aim to introduce and share the progress my new temporary public art project titled Flow.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Why the title Flow?

This artwork is titled Flow as the word describes my aim with this artwork or public intervention. 
·        Flow is the continual rising tide of plastic coming into our waterways and beaches, especially just after the recent cyclone and floods.
·        Flow is the outpouring of sorrow that I feel when I see marine creatures that have eaten plastic such as lids and died a horrific death.
·        Flow is the surprising movement this fabric like artwork becomes as it wraps around other surfaces.
·        Flow is the continuous journey I would like the material that forms this artwork to travel along from a number temporary public art sites within my local region outwards.

In contemporary art “an ‘intervention’ can also refer to art which enters a situation outside the art world in an attempt to change the existing conditions there. For example, intervention art may attempt to change economic or political situations, or may attempt to make people aware of a condition that they previously had no knowledge of. Since these goals mean that intervention art necessarily addresses and engages with the public, some artists call their work "public interventions". (Wikipedia)